Australia’s Top Ten Property Specialists 2019: Nathan Lewes of AssetBase

Nathan Lewes is Managing Director at AssetBase, a boutique property investment firm based in Sydney.


Before founding AssetBase in 2017, Nathan held roles in a variety of roles in the property industry. Starting off in local real estate, he learnt the ins and outs before moving into high-end project marketing. After success in this role, Nathan accepted a position at a national financial planning firm which saw him manage research and relationships in the property arm of the business. He worked alongside mortgage brokers, financial planners, insurance agents, paraplanners and fellow real estate agents. This role was Nathan’s first opportunity to work directly with investors purchasing property, as well as managing relationships.


Nathan’s next was into a role with a boutique firm who provided property options to investors and this is where he developed a niche of clients in the Australian Defence Force. He held Real Estate licenses across NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA, WA and NT and travelled regularly to build relationships with local agents, developers and vendors. This unique situation has given Nathan an exceptional insight into the Australian property industry and a wealth of relationships across the country.


These relationships came in handy when he built AssetBase with his business partner, Joshua Boctorani. They set about to create a business to help everyday Australians get into the property market, as well as to provide specialised advice to those in the Defence Force or the NSW Police Force.


It may have taken a while to perfect, but after researching government offers and negotiating with developers and builders, Nathan was excited to launch the “Kickstart Program”. This program is accessible solely by those in the Defence Force. It entails a series of exclusive offers and government grants which can save our clients up to $45,000 on their first investment property.


The introduction of a scholarship for young champions participating in the Police programs at PCYC Sydney, with costs covered completely by AssetBase has been lifechanging for some participants. By removing the financial barriers and including parents in the program, more young kids can get involved. These Police programs provide support, activities, mentoring and hands-on help for young people who need it most. To help see more young people reach their potential, AssetBase introduced a scholarship program to cover the cost of one term of lessons. The gymnastics lessons empower students to achieve their goals by practising discipline and challenging themselves.

Nominees three achievements


When we asked his clients, 100% of respondents said they would use his services again. This is telling of the level of service, expertise and results that Nathan has provided to every single client. This satisfaction is also reflected in a 4.9* rating on Facebook and a perfect 5* rating on Google.

Revenue at his agency, AssetBase, has increased by 85% year on year. In a depressed property market affected by the Royal Commission, tighter lending environment and negative media exposure which has seen similar agencies wind up, Nathan has ensured the agency has continued to grow year on year in terms of volume and revenue metrics.

The launch of the Kickstart Program in Q2 2019 has been a gamechanger for property investment clients who are in the Australian Defence Force. It may have taken a little while to finesse, but after researching government offers and negotiating with developers and builders, Nathan was excited to launch the “Kickstart Program” recently. This program is accessible only to those in the Defence Force. It entails a series of exclusively negotiated offers and government grants which can save our clients up to $45,000 on their first investment property. By saving this kind of money, our clients can afford to get into the market sooner.



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