Every successful property renovation is due in no small part to the contribution made by each and every subcontractor who sets foot on site. Recognising this fact and acting accordingly is the without doubt the difference between a successful and unsuccessful renovation project.

These are the tradespeople whose specialised work can make or break our projects, the difference between the finish and quality of work we planned for and the budget blow-out we dreaded.

On this basis alone, it makes sense to pay close attention not only to whom you engage to do the work in the first place, but also to what happens throughout the project. Managing these subcontractors is often perceived as one of the most difficult aspects of a renovation project, but in reality, assuming that you have engaged a quality tradesperson, understanding the project from the subcontractors perspective is really all that is required to ensure a great outcome.

The keys to success include:

Clear and Constant Communication

At the beginning of the project, ensure that your subcontractor has a clear understanding of what you expect of them, what the project entails, and what is required. This includes detailing exactly what a successful outcome looks like. There should be no grey areas. Your communication should throughout the project should be constant, clear and open – and most importantly, two way. You know what you want to achieve, but don’t forget who your expert is.

Stay ahead of the game

Having a clear timeline and schedule of tasks is key to ensuring that all projects run on time and do not encounter delays. This is particularly relevant where separate subcontractors are dovetailing tasks in particular areas of a project. Everyone must know what has to happen & when, in order for things to proceed successfully.

Similarly, if you are supplying products for installation, having them on hand ahead of being required and on site in a timely manner will ensure the smooth progress of the project and the will be greatly appreciated by your subcontractors.

Manage Defects Rectification During Project Completion

From your subcontractor’s perspective, it is far better to be aware of and have the opportunity to rectify any defects whilst still on site. Returning after the project is complete is costly and inconvenient, as your subcontractor has another project to move onto.

Like any other relationship, the one you have with your subcontractor should be regarded with respect. Open and honest communication, regard for your subcontractors time and future commitments is all that is required to ensure a great working relationship and a terrific outcome for your project.

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